
The Vaping Rabbit - High-VG E-Juice USA

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The Vaping Rabbit - High-VG E-Juice USA

The Vaping Rabbit - High-VG E-Juice USA


The Vaping Rabbit E-Liquids kommen in einem ausgefallenen Umkarton, der an eine Milchtüte erinnert - und das Aussehen ist geschmackliches Programm. Mit einem enorm hohen VG-gehalt eignet es sich für Subohm-Verdampfer mit großem Liquiddurchfluss und Tröpfelverdampfer, nicht aber für Standard-Tanks.

Die "The Vaping Rabbits" Serie wurde in einem wundersamen Kaninchenbau in Los Angeles kreiert. Alles begann im 2006 als zwei Firmen der Inhaberin Barbara Villegas fusionierten. Eine Shisha-Baar und eine Eisdiele. Die perfekte Voraussetzung um den Dampf mit den leckersten Aromen zu verbinden. Die Liquids werden aus rein natürlichen Inhaltsstoffen hergestellt und machen durch den 99% VG Anteil ordentlich Dampf!


THE VAPING RABBIT is a boutique small-batch e-liquid company found in the wondrous rabbit hole of Los Angeles. Started in 2006 as a fusion between two businesses owned by proprietor Barbara Villegas, one being a hookah bar and the other an ice cream shop, THE VAPING RABBIT has grown into a company which prides itself as one of the more high-end top shelf producers of the vaping world; something you can tell just by looking at the bottle.

Their juices, made from all-natural ingredients, are comprised of 99% vegetable glycerin and utilize a very unique method of flavor production referred to as steam distillation. By boiling the organic fruit/spices/herbs collected from gardens basking in the southern California sunlight, and then collecting the flavor via the produced steam, the artisan crafters are able to add flavorings to their juice through natural aromatic methods allowing the high VG content to hold flavor comparable to a higher PG content e-liquid. The liquid is then aged in the bottle before being released for sale, allowing for these impeccable e-juices to be enjoyed exactly as creator Barbara Villegas intended.

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